
Finding correspondence via maximum cliques in large graphs

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The cliquematch package aims to do two specific things:

  1. Find maximum cliques in large sparse undirected graphs, as quickly and efficiently as possible. cliquematch v3 also enables finding vertex-weighted maximum cliques via the NWGraph class.

  2. Construct large sparse undirected graphs in-memory for the various applications of the maximum clique/clique enumeration problem.

That’s it. cliquematch does not provide a way to modify a large graph once it has been loaded, or any other general capability, because:

  • the internal data structures are designed to optimize the clique search

  • sparse graphs constructed for applications of the maximum clique problem are rarely modified by hand (constructed anew instead)

  • there are better packages (networkx and igraph) for general graph analysis.


This is cliquematch v3, which has a simpler API than v1 and also provides the capability of clique enumeration. You view the v1 docs here.